Friday 11 December 2009

Guitar Practice Routine - Make it Your Priority

Surely, we've all heard the expression "practice makes perfect," but how do we define practice? The Scribner-Bantam English Dictionary defines it as:

· To work or pursue a profession.

· To perform often in order to learn

· To teach by frequent repetition, drill.

To learn successfully we must take time out to practice. Nowadays everyone is so busy working and raising families that most feel they have not time for guitar practice exercises. Even some teens and children feel that they are too busy with school and extra-curricular activities that they're not able to establish a regular guitar practice routine. Others simply tend to make excuses that with their busy work-a-holic lifestyles that it's impossible to even schedule time out for daily practice sessions.

One the other hand, many feel like playing guitar is truly something we want to learn to do. These are people who have visions and know what they'd like to play once they've learned. Most likely they have musicians in mind they want to sound like. Some would like to be able to play particular songs. Those determined to learn usually have no difficulties establishing guitar practice routines. They usually have no trouble staying focused since they know their practice has a real sense of purpose.

There are some tips on creating a regular guitar practice schedule. Schedule a time each day to practice and keep your commitment. Mark it down in your appointment book or post it as a reminder on your wall calendar. Think of your practice as being just as important as your job or schoolwork, but never think of it as a chore. After devoting time to and committing yourself to your practice, you will notice improvements in your performance.

As you continue practicing you will notice times when your personal performance improves and there will be times when you feel like you're going nowhere. At times you may even feel you like weren't meant to play the guitar. Keep in mind that a guitar is one of the most difficult instruments to learn proficiently. I knew someone who could play the piano and cello very well, but when she tried to learn to play the classical guitar she admitted it was the most difficult instrument she's ever learned to play. Hence, learning to play guitar takes practice, practice, and more practice.

Never tell yourself "I just not naturally gifted" or "I just don't have the natural ability" when learning to play. Just remember, skill comes through continuously homing, experimenting, and perfecting your personal talent.

Every successful musician has had to work hard through electric guitar practice. Even the most talented players lack discipline when it comes to practice. So never assume that guitar playing came easy for any musician.

Along with recognizing your present skills and working to enrich them there are other guitar practice tips you must keep in mind:

1. Make you guitar practice a priority

2. Set aside a certain time each day to practice

3. Commit to practicing regularly

4. Note when reaching short and long term goals

5. Persevere through difficulty

6. Be determined to succeed

As you develop better guitar skills, your personal endeavor in guitar playing will become like a journey. You'll discover new styles and techniques you can learn and even make a career out of it. Life is too short. Therefore, you must spend your time doing something you truly enjoy: playing guitar.

Liam Gibson of, specializes in helping aspiring guitarists get the info that they need to make the right choices. Liam, a stage guitarist himself, leads his team of guitar experts to constantly review new courses and products in the market and make sure you get the best value products that work for you. Check out actual user reviews and feedback of the most popular guitar courses at LearnGuitar-User-Reviews.

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